Message from the President
Elizabeth Heard
Dear Guild Members and Friends of the Guild,
Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to count our blessings and give thanks for all that we have. I give thanks to all of you for your support of the Guild. It is a great organization, built by the hard work and dedication of many hands for many years. It is a tremendous asset to our community.
I am thankful to Kayla Brown. Kayla is our web consultant. She is able to post Tuned in Tuesday to our website, complete with the links you need, the dates you need, the locations you need, and you can print it too! Kayla is my niece. She has a BS in Information Systems and an MS in Management and Biodefense. She recently left her decade-long job at George Mason University to have more flexibility after giving birth to Abigail. She manages the website and social media for McKenzie’s Doodles, a dangerous website full of adorable doodle puppies available for your home.
I am thankful to Nancye Milam, the indispensable maestro behind Tuned in Tuesday. It is a tremendous communications tool that helps us keep up with everything that is happening. Nancye has had this role for years and would like to pass the reigns. She has designed a beautiful framework so whomever steps in will be able to take over seamlessly. If you are interested, please send an email to me, [email protected], or Brooke Fields, [email protected]. You may know someone you think would be good, so feel free to nominate them. Sometimes people are hesitant to raise their hand or toot their own horn.
I am thankful for the Greensboro Symphony Orchestra Presentation Ball. I found the Guild when my girls were debutantes, and I know many others found the Guild the same way. The Ball will be held Thursday, December 28, 2023, and many hands are needed for set-up on Friday, the 22nd, the day of the Ball, and Friday, the 29th for cleanup. Here is a link to the SignUp Genius
I am thankful I was able to attend the Southeastern Orchestra Volunteer Association (SOVA) conference. I was able to interact with other Guild leaders and learn about their successes and challenges. Most of the Guilds have an online directory. Our printed directory is very handy, and I don’t want to give it up, but it is only perfectly accurate for one day. I am looking for a couple of people to research a online directory, so if you are interested, or know of another nonprofit that use one, please send an email with your thoughts to [email protected].
Thank you for your support of the Greensboro Symphony Guild.
Warmest regards,
Elizabeth Heard