
Greensboro Youth Orchestra

Because music matters in enhancing the quality of life in the surrounding community, the Greensboro Symphony Guild seeks to promote and fund music education through its support of the Greensboro Symphony Orchestra. Your donations help us serve as advocates for music education and appreciation in the community.

Your donation can support either of the following:

Annual Education Campaign: Established in 2015, the Annual Education Campaign runs from May to December and allows the opportunity for members to make contributions which will enable the Guild to further support unmet education programs of the GSO. Funds raised through the annual campaign will be directed to education programs selected by Guild leadership and warranting additional funding.

The Endowment Fund: In 1986, the Guild established the Greensboro Symphony Orchestra’s Endowment Fund to ensure the future of the GSO. Gifts to this fund will be directed to the GSO Endowment and may be made to honor or memorialize members and friends.

Support Greensboro Symphony Guild with your donation.